Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Make it your own, or you know, don't

We’re in the home stretch, folks. We’re down to the final three- Glambert, Glasses Gokey, and Heartthrob/Dreamsicle Kris Allen. Even the judges are excited to be this close to the finale. They are giddy, just giddy, during the introductions. Paula is super feisty, and even Simon is a sport, throwing his arms out as Ryan introduces him. We can all see the light at the end of the tunnel, as there are only three shows left after tonight. Who will be your next….American Idol?

Is it Go Go Going Back to Milwaukee Gokey? Danny’s singing a song Paula picked, Terence Trent D’arby’s (not going to lie, needed Google to spell that one), “Dance, Little Sister.” Does anyone else know this song? I certainly do not. Anywho, Danny has the George Michael scruff that Anoop was sporting a few weeks ago. The vocals are good, I feel it is still a bit shouty, but that must be Danny’s M.O. Danny also busts out some swaggerin’ dance moves, and fans, it is hilarious. He has that horrible awkward White Boy Dancing style, and I keep waiting for him to bust out the Running Man or the Shopping Cart. I would only be so lucky.

Kara criticized Danny’s dancing, and Simon notes that this is a SINGING COMPETITION, not that silly dancing show (Dancing With The Stars, which films next door- too bad, we could use some Maksim up in here. Am I right, ladies?). Simon liked Paula’s choice and thinks Danny is on the right track with that kind of sound. I thought it sounded like every other song he’s sung this season, but what do I know?

Next up, my boy Kris! He is singing a song chosen by Randy and Kara- Randy clearly drew the short straw, as there are now four judges/three contestants, so someone had to double up. They picked One Republic’s “Apologize,” which was sung by the aforementioned gentleman on one of last year’s final shows, and also a song that Randy suggested Matt Giraud sing earlier in the season. I feel like Kris and Matt G. are two totally different genres of performers- Kris more of the singer/songwriter, Matt G. the bluesy/jazzy style. But whatevs.

Kris takes a seat at the piano, just like One Republic does, to sing the song. Okay, I’ll admit, it sounds a bit like the original version, but he definitely changes it up and gets a Made It Your Own™ from me! While Randy loved the song, Kara totally slams his performance. She calls it “competent.” Competent? Girl, you better watch your back! Tens of dozens of tween fans (and me) will have it in for you after that comment!

Simon stands up for him, and tells Kara, “You can't choose a song for him and then blame him for doing the song.” If she had really wanted him to mix it up, she should have worked on the arrangement herself. But don’t blame the kid for performing the song SHE chose for him! Well said, Simon. Suck it, Kara! I love this new rivalry between Kara and Simon. This is also the first episode where I’m firmly on Team Anti-Kara, since she’s not adding a different perspective to the show. Even Paula adds more to the show than Kara.

Of course, Simon gets to pick Adam’s song. Of course he does. He then name drops Bono, as he had to call U2 personally to get the rights to the song (“One”). Oh, Simon.

Adam is still paying the AI crew overtime, as the fog machines roll in, and the spotlights are trained on his (craggy, ew) face. I was concerned but for a moment that he was wearing a denim jumpsuit, which would have not been a surprise. Rest assured, it is merely a denim shirt over jeans. Phew! He is taking the song slow and low, a newer side of Adam’s voice which I am loving….then he breaks out into that stupid rock shouting crap that I hate. Adam, why did you have to go back to the shouting falsetto, when you could have done some brilliant, original work with your actual, pretty singing voice? Sure, he rocks this, Made It His Own™, etc etc etc, but since when does singing involve sticking your tongue out at the same time? I’m shuddering right now just thinking of it.

Randy says he’s can “really, really, REALLY sing.” Three “reallys,” Randy? Really?? Kara gives him a Made It Your Own™, loving that he can take a song and completely change it up. What she’s really saying is: Unlike someone else in the competition, Kris. Simon gloats, “What a brilliant song choice!”Oh, Simon.

At this point in the show, it’s clear that tonight is not a competition to get into the Final Two, it’s a competition of Kris vs. Danny for Second Loser next week. Adam is just totally rocking it at this point. Paula even basically says to give him the trophy already.

Next, the songsters get to pick their own song to perform. Danny picks Joe Cocker’s “You Are So Beautiful” and promises to mix it up, Make It His Own™! I have to tell you, I fell asleep as soon as this song started. It was just so boring for me. I know others didn’t feel that way (Ashley), but OMG every song he sings sounds the same! At least he was in tune, unlike last week’s atrocity.

Randy loved it. He breaks out the SINGING COMPETITION thing again, and yes, Danny can SING. But if Danny sings in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, does anyone care? Kara begins to lavish praise on Danny for mixing it up, Making It His Own™, please have her babies, gag me with a spoon. Simon, on the other hand, slams Danny for changing the arrangement up because it didn’t need changing. Make up your mind, Simon! You give Adam points for singing your arrangement, but slam Danny for singing a new arrangement. He can’t win. Or can he? It’s him vs. Kris at this point, and Danny’s never been in the bottom three. Simon does point out that this is a SINGING COMPETITON and the vocals were brilliant.

Kris is going to sing Kanye West’s “Heartless,” and I am so intrigued by this!! If you remember, Kanye “sang” this song a few weeks ago on the Idol stage, and Kris’ performance is everything Kanye’s was not. Absofreakinglutely brilliant!!!!! How many exclamation points can I use before you stop reading?!?!?! Kris sang an acoustic version of the song, just him and his guitar, and it’s the Kris we know and love. Disclaimer: I have had this song in my head all morning and am counting down the minutes until it’s available on iTunes. Watch out, cube-mates. This is so going to be my ringtone.

The judges are freaking out- Randy says it’s better than Kanye’s version (not hard to do), and Kris is in it to win it! Kara asks him why he didn’t do that with “Apologize”? Because he wanted to save the best for last, Kara! Simon says that Kris’ (aka Randy and Kara’s) first song choice was super lame and Simon had written him off for the finals, but now, brought him back into the competition. Kris says “I know, right?” and it’s like he’s talking directly to me! Swoon.

Glambert closes out the show (how many times has he gotten the pimp spot? Three? Four? Twelve?) with Aerosmith’s “Crying.” Adam is the only Idol in which I feel compelled to comment on his wardrobe. I mean, Danny coordinates his glasses with his song choice, and Kris has a standard wardrobe of t-shirt, jeans and Chuck Taylors, but Adam….Adam is wearing a spangly t-shirt that says “ROCK!” that is absolutely fab-u-lous! I am hoping that the back of his leather jacket is similarly bedazzled, but I am sorely disappointed. His song is spot on Steven Tyler, full of shouty falsettos. However, it’s a performance, not just someone singing on stage (Danny).

Randy says he is one of the brightest stars they have ever had on Idol, and this is the kind of music he should be singing. He is a ROCK STAR. Simon puts a call out to America to remember to VOTE for Adam tonight if they want him in the competition. We don’t need another Daughtry situation on our hands. And a Kris vs. Danny final? Bor-ring.

Who’s going home tonight: My heart says Danny, my head says Kris- but only because he might benefit more from the buzz of getting kicked out. Could he go up against Glambert and WIN? Doubtful. But, lest we not forget, this is a SINGING COMPETITION, and Danny is clearly the best straight-up singer of the bunch, and that might carry him through. Adam is a lock for next week.

Oh, Simon: 2

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