We are treated to some clips of each remaining Idol's first audition: Adam looking exactly the same, guyliner and all; Kris looking like a beat down poet. Who would have thought they would have outwitted, outlasted and outsang other favorites like Blind Guy Scott, JT, Jr., and early fave Lil Rounds?
Randy is in a suit that is making my eyes bleed. There are at least eight different colors and patterns. Does he not realize this is not shot in black and white? Paula is clearly aware of this, as she is sporting some Hedda Lettuce green. It's pretty intense, but it's a welcome change, as everyone in the theatre, including the Idols, is in all black ensembles.
Kris won the coin toss and wisely is going second- making Adam forego the Pimp Spot for the Most Important Performance EVAR. Each Idol gets three songs tonight- their favorite from this season, a song selected by the creator of AI, and a song written by Judge Kara. Will it be just the same bland and boring five words over and over again, much like her judging?
Ooh, I love the baby picture montages! This one is missing, though:

(sorry if that burned your eyes)
Adam's dad says that Adam would scream every night, and that's how he started performing. Adam looks pretty rough here in the recent clips. For his first performance tonight, he’s bringing back “Mad World,” from the Year of Birth night.
WOW. Adam is DEFINITELY paying the backstage crew overtime. A platform rises from behind the staircase, a shadowy figure backlit in a blue-green mist. There is even an ominous drumbeat/effect line in the background, giving this a spooky, haunted feeling. It’s the most theatrical of all of his performances so far- especially with the costuming choices of a trench coat, black gloves, sparkly shirt. Oh yeah, his Guyliner is off the hook tonight.
It kind of makes you think Kris made a wrong choice going second, because this really set the stage for the finals. Randy says he loves that Adam is singing something he already sang during the season, which is stupid, since it's kind of a requirement in this portion of tonight’s talent show. Randy gives him an A+.
Anthony Hopkins is in the audience? Doesn't he have anything better to do tonight, like polish his Oscar or something?
Paula is so proud of Adam. Not as proud as his mother, I hope…She might have a had a bit more to do with him being here tonight than Paula. Or not, I don’t really want to get too much into the personal life of Adam. I think we can all agree it is safer that way. Simon agrees with me- it was a bit over theatrical. Umm, yes, crowd. You can boo all you want; it doesn’t mean it’s not true. He calls it Phantom of the Opera, but Randy is shouting TWILIGHT! TWILIGHT! So help me if this show tonight devolves into bad acting, ugly costumes, horrible hair, and sparkly vampires. We have the three of the four already.
Kris’ parents paid him a quarter to make him sing as a child. Awwww, Kris is shy! Too bad he's up against the least show person on the planet, Glambert. No wonder he's the underdog.
I was so hoping Kris would sing "Heartless" again, because the iTunes version is sadly different than what he sang last week, and I’ve had it in my head since then. Even though I’ve heard the Kanye version (vastly inferior!), I want, nay, NEED, the Kris Allen version. But instead he is singing , “Aint no Sunshine,” again on the piano. This week, he performs it with great amounts more confidence, swagger, and attitude than a few short weeks ago.
Kara and Randy thought it was one of his best performances. Paula tells us that he awakens the spirit in all of us, and he Allen-izes each song he performs. Oh, Paula! That's not even a word. Simon let us know, for what I hope is the last time, this is a (singing) competition, but he wasn’t sure if America had made the right choice picking Kris for the finals. Obviously, Simon would say that since he had been pimping a Danny/Adam finale for months, and is now eating humble pie. Yet, Simon calls Round 1 for Kris. Wahoo!
Round 2: Adam is back in his “soulful crooner” duds, singing, “Change is Gonna’ Come,” by Sam Cooke, chosen by Simon Fuller (not Cowell, the other Simon). It’s perfectly Southern and soulful, and a bit delightful, until he busts out that stupid scream and falsetto two-thirds of the way through.
Randy says he can SING. Laura says he can SHOUT. Paula says it was the best she’s ever heard him sing. Again, it's not singing if your tongue is sticking out. Simon says he is 100% back in the game. He wasn’t really out of the game, was he? It’s not like he totally bombed the first song. Most of the judges, and all of the crowd, loved it. He didn’t pull a Gokey and blow his chances at winning by doing a sucky song.
Kris is singing “What’s Going On?” and I fret that Simon Fuller is setting Kris up for an Epic Fail. But then I remember that Kris is not Danny Gokey, and this song will not sound just like the original, but with more shouting. Instead, it’s an acoustic version that sounds completely different than the original. It’s full of soul, energy, and spunk. You can just hear Kris saying, "Take that Glambert!"
Check it out! Randy says we have a duel going on tonight! The song has a great message, but it’s a bit light for tonight. Kris didn’t pick the song, Randy. Blame your boss, dawg. Paula then uses the phrase “tore it up” but sadly does not follow it with “from the floor up.” Simon says Kris didn’t grab hold of the song and Make It His Own(TM)- were you listening Simon? He is a laid back kind of guy, and sings laid back kind of songs. That’s why he’s not sporting any of the following: leather trenchcoat, leather gloves, leather pants, leather chaps, or any form of eye makeup.
Round 2: Adam.
The Idols' single is called “No Boundaries,” co-written by Idol judge Kara. Will it be a ballad? A rock song? What inspirational message will it impart to me tonight? Let's look at some sample lyrics:
-Every moment lasts forever when you’ve felt you’ve lost your way
-With every step you climb another mountain
-Just when you almost gave up on your dreams, they take you by the hand and show that you can
It’s the same adult contemporary schlock they sing every year. Adam adds his trademark falsetto/screaming combo over the top. The single is my least favorite part of the finals, mostly because the song is crap every year. Hear that, Kara?
Let’s see if the judges slam the song choice as much as they have in other finales. Randy reminds us this is a SINGING competition, and Adam can sing the phone book, he's a great singer, blah blah blah. Randy is building us up for another "Rock God" comment but- stop the presses!-it was just a’ight for him. I was not expecting that from Randy. It came out of nowhere. Kara thanks Adam for her moment, and calls the song beautiful. Adam thanks her for such a wonderful song. What did I say about bad acting showing up in tonight's show? Keep an eye out for the glitter vampires, y’all! Simon isn’t judging the song (for a change) but will judge Adam: he is one of the best, most original contestants ever on the show. Duh, Simon has been crushing on Adam's for weeks, so this is no surprise.
Kris gets to sing the same song. He puts a bit more of an indie spin on it- no falsetto or shouting here! It also shows that he struggles with the big notes, and OMG did he forget a word there? Please say no please say no….Kids, you know that I heart Kris Allen. But when I buy his future album, I will skip forward past this track each of the thousand times I will listen to it. It’s not great. I’m going to say: Match Point, Adam. Please hand me a tissue. *tear*
Randy says Kris should be very proud in this competition…which is like when Paula says, “You look really pretty tonight.” He is doomed. Kara doesn’t want him to be judged on the song…that she wrote...for this competition. She says the song (that she wrote, for this competition) was too high for his voice. She hopes people vote on the season, not the song (that she wrote, do I need to spell it out for you?). Paula echoes the “you look pretty!” comments-of-doom the other judges have given. Simon says Kris peaked early and has gone downhill tonight, but still has grown as a competitor this season. Simon also gives him the kiss of death: “The looks on your parents’ faces say it all; they must be so proud of you.”
I wondered going into tonight if the judges would kiss Adam's butt the entire night while putting Kris down at every chance. They did throw Kris a few bones, but it's pretty clear the judges have wanted Adam to win the entire competition. I had hoped Kris would pull another "Heartless" out of his back pocket, but he wasn't quite there.
I'm calling it:
Win: Adam
First Loser: Kris
Oh, Paula! moments: 1
Side note: did anyone watch "Glee" tonight? It was everything that the Idol Group sings are not, and more. Singing! Dancing! Journey! I'm so in next season!
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