Thursday, April 9, 2009

Week Five: The search is over for the world's worst contestant

It has been brought to my attention that I may have (again) been a bit remiss in my hilarious-recap-writing duties. I apologize for this oversight! It seemed more prudent to do some work, umm….at work, than to fritter away some hours on American Idol. Also, my girl got kicked off two weeks ago and I am still bitter. Alexis, you rock, girl!

Tuesday night:
Elite 8! Go Tarheels! No, wait. I had Louisville vs. Oklahoma, so the Tarheels can suck it.

The theme for the night was singing songs from the year the contestants were born. Go Go Gokey went first, as he is the ancient one of the group, a whopping 29 years old this month. Did anyone else feel crazy old during this theme week? Danny sang a cover version of “Stand By Me.” The judges like it, he made it his own, etc.

My Future Boyfriend Kris sang “All She Wants To Do is Dance,” while dancing in the Idol Mosh Pit down front. Did he learn nothing from Matt Giraud’s misstep in this arena? That singing/playing your instrument while surrounded by teenage girls is not only illegal, but something the judges despise? Silly Kris. I fear you are going home Wednesday night! Don’t leave me!

Lil Rounds clears up some misconceptions on her name (not short for “Little”) and looks rocking in a Tina Turner get-up, which means she’s singing some Tina this week. The judges, however, hate it. Paula calls it “beautiful karaoke.” Ouch. She looks piiiiiiiiissed. Do not cross Lil Rounds. Just sayin’.

Ryan brings Anoop up on stage, and after much “go NC!-ing” between the two (yeah right, Ryan, like you picked them in your bracket), he apologizes to Kara for acting like a smug brat last week. Which is out of the ordinary how? He does bust out some Cyndi Lauper with “True Colors,” although I wished he’d gone all a capella like Andy Bernard would have. But again, he made it his own, one of the best of the night, etc etc.

Scott comes up and does a horrible, very blind interpretation of “The Search is Over.” Is this a hair band song? They politely tell him that he sucked.

Next up: Allison Iraheta, born in 1992, sings a completely age-inappropriate song by Reba McIntyre, but again “made it her own.” I need to have a “Made it Your Own” tally going. Tally: 6 (3 who did, 3 who were told they did not)

The show is running perilously close to 9pm, and keep in mind I watched AI while cycling/ellipticalling at the gym Tuesday night so I was freaking exhausted by the time the whole show finished. I will admit that I skipped Matt Giraud’s performance to watch some Biggest Loser, but apparently it was Fantastic! Amazing! And He Made It His Own! (MIYO:7)

Then, after one final break, He Who Shall Not Be Named came out and gave another wacky (I say, indulgent) performance, this time of “Mad World.” I will point out that he did not entirely make it his own, b/c this version is in Donnie Darko and it’s not like he pulled it out of his own (glittery guy-linered) hat. Simon gave it a standing ovation. He also looks like he wants to make out with Adam, and you can see the dollar signs from future record sales cha-chinging in his eyes.

Wednesday Night:
Remember when the elimination show was half an hour long, and they only had, like, two “after the breaks” to deal with? Now we have ten. I’ll admit, I was doing the dishes during most of this episode (there were that many), but it included:
-Frankie Avalon singing???? Does anyone even know who Frankie Avalon is, besides that one time he was on Full House back in the day?
-Behind the Scenes: Making of a Ford Commercial
-Ford Commercial
-Flo Rida “singing,” by which I truly mean, “pimping his album and tour.” Also, I really thought his name was pronounced Flow-Reeeda, like the state, until, like, this morning.
-Kellie Pickler singing, along with unhilarious antics (Calimari! High Heels!)
-And oh yeah, someone got eliminated.

Adam was clearly safe, despite the show running over and his Idol phone# not being on TV. Kris was on the bubble, but phew! Lives to sing again. Anoop was in the bottom three, as was Scott and Lil. What, Lil?!? Didn’t everyone pick her to win?

Lil is safe, Anoop is safe, but Scott is going home. He does a slightly less awkward, and thankfully, electric guitar-less performance of his song, and the judges debate for about five minutes whether or not to keep him. Clearly, Paula and Kara love him, but in the end, Simon mercifully pulls the plug and cuts him loose. Stay classy, Scott!

Out: Scott
Still in: Adam, Allison Iraheta, Anoop, Danny Gokey, Kris Allen, Lil Rounds, Matt Giraud
MIYO(TM) count: 7

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