Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week Six Elimination: Maniacs, I tell ya, Maniacs

And we’re back for the elimination show! Seven Idols left…who will it be?

I always manage to turn Idol on late on Wednesdays, so I’ve sadly missed the Pimp my Ford Ride commercials for four or five weeks, but I caught tonight’s. And yet, I wish I hadn’t.

Group Sing- Paula and Kara are super pumped (super pumped for the whole show, really, are they drunk? Clearly Paula is every week. Is Kara?) for the song- “Maniac” from Flashdance. Every Idol gets a solo and I have to say Matt was pretty terrific in it. This is the first time I’ve seen him where he had some lead singer charisma. Then there’s Adam, making dirty eyes at America from the balcony. Eww. Sorry Val, I’m not Glammin’ for Adam.

To continue to movie theme/shilling for corporate America, the Idols go to a real life movie premiere! They go to see “Big,” starring Tom Hanks and…wait, this looks like “Big.” It sounds like “Big.” It’s not “Big?” No, it’s “17 Again,” which is like “Big,” but now with more High School Musical dance numbers. We cut back to the studio, again the Idols are hamming it up, “zOMG! We saw Zac Efron!” He’s in the audience, too….he didn’t have time to shower? National television, promoting your new movie which is certain to be comedy gold, and…you can’t take five minutes to shower? I realize his hair probably takes longer than mine to style in the morning, but I’m sure Adam would have volunteered to help him out.

And finally- dim the lights, it’s time to send someone to the Spinny Chairs!
Allison: Safe.
Adam: Obvs safe. There is also a Rocky Horror joke (again, would be AWESOME).
Anoop: Ryan talks to him about being in the bottom three before, will he be there again….Anoop is clearly annoyed at the Safe/Not Safe banter. Here is what my dad texted me: “What Anoop was really saying: Come on Ryan, quit (messing) me around, you little (can we say “prick” on work email?).” And Anoop is….Bottom 3.

JHud sings some slow ballad, and you know everyone is thinking about the elephant in the room, though it is not brought up. Irregardless, who doesn’t love Jennifer Hudson? She has such shiny hair!

Kris: Simon butts in to tell Kris that they didn’t get a chance to talk last night, but Kris was brilliant. Naturally! Ryan says he can sit down, and Kris does this super cute thing, Here? Or in the Spinny Chairs of Doom? Awwwww.
Lil: Bottom 3. No surprise.
Matt and Danny: We get a Made It Your Own™ tonight! And the look on Danny’s face when he momentarily thinks he’s out before Ryan says, “You are…………………safe.” is priceless. You know Danny is thinking, “ME? Out? No way, I’m way better than the rest of these poor young schmucks!”

Matt, Lil and Anoop hit center stage, and Anoop is safe, and lives to sing tender ballads another week.

Miley Cyrus sings some big song from her new movie- there are prom dresses, guys in hats, lots of billowing smoke, and a whole lotta off-key singing. Dad called her a robot- “You can see the power pack on her back!” So true, so true. Ryan sends us to the break but…..the cameras don’t stop rolling. Nice one, Ry.

Bottom two: Lil and Matt. Ryan has kind of mean streak in him, because he asks Simon- the least lovable judge of the bunch- if he would use a Judges’ Save tonight on one of the contestants. Simon says they might, but not on the one you’d expect. Ryan says, “So that’d be Lil?” Simon, “Yes.” Good luck, Matt. You can kiss that save goodbye! Or can he??? America has voted: Lil is safe, and Matt has to sing to save his spot. Kara and Paula sway wildly to the song, Paula does a lasso move to Matt…it’s weird. Matt does a much better job singing without the piano and the bad orchestration, although he does wander down into the Mosh Pit of Despair. Much conferring on the part of the judges- Randy, Paula and Kara clearly want to use their save tonight, but Simon brings them crashing down by telling Matt he doesn’t have a shot in heck to win this competition, why should they waste it on him? And yet, Simon tells Matt that he has good news, he’s safe for one more week (then clearly he and Lil are going packing).

Simon wraps us the show thusly: The first piece of bad news- two people go home next week. Second piece of bad news- Next week is Disco Week.”

AWESOME. Bring it on!

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