Tuesday, April 14, 2009

a note from a coworker

We have an American Idol pool at work- last year, I started writing pithy recaps on Thursday to alert everyone to who had gotten kicked off, and who was still in the competition. I started again this year, during the Top 36, but kind of half-assed it, because, well, I have a life and can't always be home on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. This was UNACCEPTABLE. To wit:

Dear Laura B:

I was very excited to find out that you were repeating your American Idol pool this year, and eagerly paid my dues and selected my contestant.
However, I have to admit that I am sorely disappointed in the lack of witty updates which made this contest so interesting in previous years.
Half the fun of the competition, especially for those of us who picked losers, was reading your humorous recaps each week after the votes were announced.

I sincerely hope you reconsider you decision to cease your updates.
If not, I may have to reconsider taking part in the pool again in the future.

Best regards,
-concerned coworker

So if there are a few weeks missing here or there, that's why. I have rectified this egregious error and am writing recaps weekly from now on!

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